- Library
- Smart Classes
- Language Lab
- Math Lab
- Science Lab
School Library
a)The School library is open to all bonafide students of the school. All classes are provided with atleast one library period per week. Students have to observe the following rules.
b)Each member will be provided with a bar code identity card at the beginning of the new session which is to be produced before the librarian to get the books issued from the library.
c)Books are issued for one week only for classes II to IX. If a child fails to return the book on time without a valid reason, the borrowing facility will be withdrawn for 4weeks.
d)The readers shall not sub-lend the books issued by the library.
e)Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing or else they shall be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning.
f)Reference books, magazines and periodical publications are to be read in the library only.
g)Books may be reissued if the same are not in demand. There issuing will be done on the physical presentation of the book.
h)If the book is lost, the student has to pay double cost of the book or replace the book.
i)A member who loses the identity card shall submit a written report to the library. The attendant at the gate can check anybody. Any hindrance in his duty by the students will be liable to punishment.
Smart Classes
To keep pace with the changing scenario of education in the present virtual times, the school has smart classrooms furnished with LCD Projector and advanced software to facilitate teaching of various subjects.
Language Lab
The growing need to enhance communication skills is met with by the presence of two highly sophisticated multilingual labs-one in the senior wing and the other in the junior wing.
Math Lab
To enable the students to hone their mathematical skills, a sophisticated Math lab. has been established where students work out mathematical formulae and theorems.
Science Lab
SSIS well-equipped for laboratories for imparting practical knowledge in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The aim of having one composite lab is to provide ample time and adequate equipment or every student to perform the experiment as per the CBSE guidelines.